Prosecutors Desk 4-10-16

Last week I attended a session of the Veterans Court that operates here in Stevens County. The court session had a broad spectrum of cases, from new persons admitted to one person who graduated from the process. The majority of business was to review the progress of each person.

The purpose of Veterans Court is to provide an alternative to the regular court system for those who have served our country on active duty. The goal is to connect the veteran with the services that are available for treatment and support for the veteran. The concept is fairly new, with only a few Veterans Courts having been established across the state and country. The Veterans Court established by Spokane County is the model for the procedures used here in Stevens County.

Judge Gina Tveit presides over the Veterans Court system in Stevens County. She hears the reports presented by the probation officer who functions in much the same way in this court as in the other court system. Judge Tveit also listens to the prosecutor and the defense attorney as they give reports on the progress of the veteran in the system. The involvement of the judge in the court system is more apparent than in the regular court process. Judge Tveit presented the graduating person with a completion certificate and congratulated him warmly. Follow up interviews have shown that the judges involvement is crucial to the successful completion of the program by the veteran.

The deputy prosecutor assigned to the Veterans Court is deputy Jessica Taylor. The prosecutor’s office has much the same function, bringing charges and making recommendations regarding the disposition of the charges. The defendant has an attorney who guides and assists the veteran to comply and to make the necessary.

Veterans Court is not free pass for a Veteran. It is still a State Court and the veteran is held accountable for their conduct. The sanctions applied are mostly similar to sanctions applied in regular court. What is different is that the veteran is encouraged to attend the monthly forum meetings held by in Spokane. The purpose of the meetings is to connect the veteran with the services of the Veterans Administration so they can receive the treatment or other services they need. For every forum meeting attended, the veteran can get a reduction in the time required to be on probation.

This program is a good outreach to those who have done so much to serve this country.

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