Prosecutors Desk 2-6-2012

This past week saw progress on several cases that have been stalled for various reasons for some months.

One is the case against Mr. David M. Ordway. He was awaiting an evaluation of competency to stand trial from Eastern State Hospital. The reports were received a short time ago in which the doctors at Eastern indicated that in their opinion, Mr. Ordway was competent to stand trial. An order of Competency was entered. He is charged with Assault on a Child in the First Degree. The victim was his 40 day old baby. The documents filed with the court allege that he shook the child on at least one occasion. The child is gravely injured due to brain injury. On Tuesday February 7, dates for further proceedings will be worked out and set.

In another matter, Mr. Eric Booth has likewise been found competent to stand trial as a result of the evaluation doe at Eastern State and an order of competency has been entered in his case. He is charged with murder among other charges in the killing of Colville resident Gordon Feist. Other persons have likewise been charged in this killing. On Tuesday, dates will also be set for other proceedings and this case can now proceed since it has been determined that he understands the proceedings and can assist his lawyer in the process.

The pre-trial delays have been cleared in the trial of Mr. Craig Cosby for the murder of his wife, Susan Cosby. As with the other two cases, dates for other matters and trial will be set for him.

The delays at Eastern State are largely the result of the state budget crisis and the cutbacks that have occurred at state hospitals. This has a very hard impact on local government matters like these evaluations, which delay all proceedings in a criminal case until they are completed.

It is important to remember that although charges have been filed against all these defendants, they are presumed to be innocent and will be considered innocent unless and until a jury finds that they have committed the crimes. This presumption of innocence is a very important tenant of our law and is basic to our system of justice.

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