Prosecutors Desk 8-16-2014

I recently received a communiqué from a group who call themselves, “We the People.” It was a DEMAND that I answer 75 carefully worded questions within three days. All elected officials and I have received other demands and deadlines from this group, usually that we vacate our offices because we are not legally in office or some other such nonsense.

Many of the questions they demand I answer, are like the questions a slimy lawyer would use to trick a witness rather than get at the truth. Questions like; when did you stop beating your wife? There is no answer, yet this group says it is my DUTY to respond to them and answer these questions.


You say I have three days to respond to your DEMAND. I say, OR WHAT? I am very busy dealing with county business and the trials coming up; attempted murder, vehicular assault, and the usual mayhem brought about by drunken and drugged-up people. I do have a duty. It is to the people who are the citizens of Stevens County. I believe the people want me to pay attention to important things rather than waste time to answer your clever questions. They do not want me to pander to the demands of every small group that wants attention or that find the mainstream of peaceful political dissent not radical enough to suit them. I think you folks have too much time on your hands. Do something constructive with it.

The manner in which some of the people of your group go about doing things; with discourtesy, confrontation and being generally rude and demanding, reveals something about the values and the spirit of your group. Such behavior is not a credit to you or your cause and gives a bad name to other freedom minded people who are working to effect change in society.

I have heard that your group believes the RCWs only apply to government workers and officials or people who have contracted with the state.
I have also heard your group does not believe the RCWs are binding on each of you personally. Do you seriously believe the law does not apply to you?

In your zeal to remove, replace, or control county officials, be careful not to infringe on the rights of other individuals or of the public. You may not believe the RCWs apply to you, but I believe they do. My advice is plain. Keep the peace. Do not threaten or harm or interfere with another person. Be a good neighbor. Don’t drink and drive. Pay your fair share of taxes. Get a drivers license. Treat others, as you would like to be treated.

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